
Great Nature Photos by a former Snyderite

Check out these original nature photos by a former Snyderite.

One of the goals of this page is to make it a gathering place for Snyderites past and present.

Wiley Denson lives in Alaska during the summer. These are some of his work.

He will be exhibiting them at the White Buffalo Days.

Click here for photos.



A Taste of Scurry County

The annual Taste of Scurry County is this Thursday August the 24th.

It is always a fun event and the food is truly a treat.

The auction raises money for the operating budget of the Scurry County Museum and thus helps a good cause.

There will be some unusual auction items this year.

There is a sculpture by Robert Taylor, a former Snyderite and former museum board member.

He did the white buffalo on the square and his work is highly sought after.

There will be an airplane trip for two. It will be a fly around Scurry County and the adjacent vicinity.

How about baseball and basketball personal lessons taught by WTC coaches?

This is a great opportunity for a parent or grandparent to help your special kid become the next Nolan Ryan or Cheryl Swoops.

This is only a taste of what you will find at A Taste of Scurry County.

Please come.

This is also the kickoff for a number of great events coming up including White Buffalo Days, White Buffalo Days Bikefest, White Buffalo Stampede, and Hunter’s Appreciation Dinner.

Let me know of your event and we will publicize it.

One way for Snyder to get its name out there is to host great events.

If we are known any thing can happen.

What a Summer

It proves once again that West Texas is unpredictable.

Last year it rained at all the right times and we had one of, if not the greatest, years ever in agriculture.

Even if it started raining today, the cotton crop would be below average.

Ranchers are starting to feed their cattle, trying to put off selling them.

At least most of the tanks still have water.

I’ve mentioned how bad it is to a few old timers, expecting them to be down in the dumps.

They just look at me and grin, “This is West Texas. What do you expect. We know how to survive hard times. Our ancestors rode them out and so will we.”

Somehow that makes me feel a lot better.

Besides, the oil field is still going strong. The college has record enrollment. I even heard the freshman class at the high school has around 220 students.

New ideas are percolating in the community.

Now is the time to put the pedal to the metal and create a diversified economy that can weather West Texas weather.