
Five Year Plan

I want to give credit to the county and Joe Wallace for presenting a five year plan and making it public.

This gives the community an opportunity to debate its merits and decide the direction of our county.

This is not to say that one has to agree with everything in the plan.

However, now is the time to act on the things which will keep our community moving forward.

From past experience we know that if we let our infrastructure run down, it is very expensive to put it back in shape.

Mr. Wallace makes the point that when times are good, we should look ahead and prepare for the down times.

One immediate need for Snyder is a public swimming pool. The only one we currently have is at WTC and it is not really set up to handle large numbers of the public.

I remember the many pleasurable hours I spent at our swimming pools as a youth.

A swimming pool provides healthy entertainment and helps keep our community kids out of trouble.

Does anyone have any ideas on the community plan?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our kids definitely need a swimming pool and the sooner the better - there is very little to do in Snyder in the summer and many kids cannot access the pool out at the college. I have to drive my kids all the way to Sweetwater and Big Spring so they can swim while I sit in the sun. If we want to attract families to our city, we need to have some of the ammenities they are looking for and a pool is one of the basics.

I also think we need an outdoor pool - kids need to be outside and get some sunshine. Indoor pools are often limited in space for spectators, parties etc. Besides, we already have one!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007  
Blogger runner said...

1/2 sent sales tax increase.......

Sunday, March 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are so many projects that need to be worked on in Snyder. The pool is just another one. It just takes someone to get involved and get the word out. You will be amazed what one person can do! It takes effort and work from everyone and pride in your community to get projects completed. Use your local resources to the best of their ability. Lots of time...someone just wants to be asked to help.

Monday, June 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A pool would be nice,but,Now that the commissioners and county judge think that the high school needs to be moved off of cates fields for practices/instruction, a softball complex needs to be built to help to continue to bring outside money in from other schools and fans. The push will also affect other teams (all-star, and travel) both baseball and softball, but the parties that are behind this are to blind to understand that their kids too will be affected. And I believe in Nov or Dec of 2006, the commissioners court voted to build a softball complex, but now no word on this issue from them... With this complex the high school and college teams could use these to bring in big revenue to the community. And by the way the School District does pay to use these fields, WHILE OTHERS DO NOT!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous blogger, how can one see pushing out an entity that pays for field usage while others do not, and isn't it the goal of the youngsters playing to one day play at the high school??? Now I hear they have also lost another park foreman, that cared about his job, and the parks, and I do believe it shows. While there is another foreman in a big building that is refusing to rent it out to outside schools for playoff games, Doesn't this bring outside money into the community as well???? I have heard this person thinks of sports as "watching sports is like watching paint dry?" Wake up county you're losing the wrong people here.....

Friday, September 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the other day the president of the entity that wants the high school off the softball fields has a father in law at the courthouse and he is trying to push this through the commissioners court. Conflict of interest here?????

Tuesday, October 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe W. is going to mess over the county before he leaves in about a month. He has already employed a guy at the parks department that walks around with a morphine pump, sounds likes that's a disaster waiting to happen... Wallace has no intentions of getting the swimming pool built before he leaves like he once stated..

Saturday, January 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JOE WALLACE is gone. Where is our swimming pool.The comm. court paid him 59,000 dollars a yr. But would not pay the park foreman, that left anywhere near that kind of money. He grew up in Snyder and cared about the parks in the county. But was not given the support of the comm. court.

Saturday, March 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear say that a certain parks foreman would come back to take care of the ball fields and park before they get in dire straits when the coliseum chunk comes over after the college takes over out there. Wake up and take care of what has been established as some of the nicest ballfields in Texas!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow have you seen the park look so bad, all the weeds that are growing and the ball parks looking so dry. I came back to visit and I was amazed at the way it has all gone down since last year

Monday, June 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, for years and years, I've sat back and seen people from a-z and every place in between, make pubic comments about any and everything, never obtaining facts or doing any research to either support or challenge their position.

So, I'm trying not to do that here. I observe Towle Park daily. I, like many others wonder "what are we paying those guys to do anyway". We see the obvious changes in the way Moffet field looked 5 years ago, and the way it looks today. We think a couple more years, and it will no longer be a show place for us to brag about. Just a little at a time, it is running down.

We wonder why "they" don't buy a few buckets of paint and fix it back up.

We see the weeds growing wild, the areas on the edge of the park adjacent to private property and wonder "why don't they mow that"? We see the area where the trees were blown down in cottonwood flats and wonder why "they" don't take one of those high dollar pieces of machinery and smooth the ground back out before someone breaks a leg and sues the county.

We see the streets and wonder why there are areas of dirt, pot holes large enough to swallow small children and pets, and we wonder why "they" don't fix them. Yes, we know that the drainage is bad and needs a long term fix, but meanwhile, a few shovel fulls of cold mix might keep the front end of my car from needing alligned. YES, it was recently repaired, but after months of NOT being fixed!

We see all these type of things and wonder why "they" don't fix them!!

NOW, for the reality side of things.. How many parks employees do we have? Do they have the equipment they need? Are these employees doing other things (maintaining other county property etc) that prevent them from addressing what we think needs to be done in the park? Let's get some real answers, and then, we can more accurately know what to expect.

I think some times we all assume there are plenty of employees, plenty of equipment and plenty of supplies. If there are, then I think we need to see better upkeep of our parks. If not, then perhaps we need to look at getting what we need. I know for a fact that some entities, the City for instance, seldom has enough staff to even fix pot holes. It is not the City's reluctance to deal with the problem, it is an inability to hire sufficient people to keep up with the work.

So, I think our parks are being neglected for sure. However, if the problem is an inability to hire people to do the work, then that is a totally different problem than a parks supervisor who needs to be motivated, (replaced if necessary) and needs to supervise his people better in taking care of business. As we contemplate the problem, lets get the facts and see where the problem really is.

If we need to make personnel changes, lets make them. If we need to re-evaluate our equipment, lets do that. If the problem is beyond our control, and we can't hire sufficient people to do the work, then we may need to look at a total different approach to the problem.

But, let us all work with the facts, not gossip or mis-informatiion. It is obvious that the streets in the park are in dire need of repair. In reading the SDN months ago, there were plans to make major repairs, and the money was moved around to take care of it in a Commissioner's Court meeting. This was to be done immediately, before Winter. Was the delay weather related, or what? Why are they still in such bad shape?

Again, not pointing fingers, but looking for facts !! It would appear that much of what needs to be done is not of a project type, it is simply maintenance related.
These are numerous areas where we wonder why(?) but don't have the facts to pursue an answer.

It looks like a day or two of mowing and weed eating would do wonders. Since we do see some mowing and attention to some areas that need weed eating, we do wonder why other areas are neglected.

If anyone has any real answers to support these concerns, I would like to hear them. It would go a long way to helping many of us understand, so that when we talk, we can do so with the facts.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facts are: Parks foreman doesn't know how to handle taking care of the parks, look at the way the coliseum wasn't taken care of before being given to the college. As for the ball fields he does not care about sports and is not going to spend the extra time and energy for upkeep there, thankfully Moffett has a man that is always up there to keep it up, once again refer back to coliseum in the fact that numerous schools have tried to come in to play playoff basketball games there, but miraculously somehow after the last season SHS played basketball out there the court became so damaged that they couldn't hold these games and bring money into the community from outside. The facts are the current park foreman is riding out his time for retirement and smoozing a couple of commissioners to keep his job, while the past park foreman was downed by the commissioners when weeds grew a little bit after heavy rain times, just look around you never see the current foreman on a regular basis out and working like the past foremen.

Thursday, July 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say never, but I seldom see anything going on except mowing. It makes me angry that there are holes along the walking path that have been there since it was built. One step off the concrete and you may twist an ankle. That path is used heavily by our citizens. I think it should see a weed eater or edger once in a while.

Look west of the Farm League Field, weeds waist high along the walking path.

Look behind the armory, occasionally the area outside the fence gets mowed, but only after it reaches waist high.

A few buckets of paint would do well in many areas. A few pot holes fixed would help. These are not big or expensive repairs.

The previous blogger seemed to know some personal things that may be part of the problem, but if this is true, why can't we fix that problem.

With the Commissioners Court now only having EMS to worry about, with everything else given away, as a tax payer both personal and business, I'd like to see a little more effort go into maintaining the park(s). Yes, I know they have roads out in the county to maintain, and have people to do this. But I see the park several times a day, and I just can't believe it has the budget it has, the number of people working in that department, and still, obvious visible problem, some a safety concern, are no better this year than last.

It is as if they can't see them. Maybe a committee of citizens need to make a list. Just maintenance items, not expansion or new construction. We don't even take care of what we have.


Thursday, August 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how bout the school districts new bond election idea? Yes the ag building, auditorium, band and choir need improvements, but does the athletic environment need 17 million dollars spent on it? Out of that 17 million how much is going to the girls side? 0. Go look at the girls weightroom, locker rooms and what about a softball field? Sounds like title IX could come into play if this passes. Did they really need turf on the football field..NO

Thursday, August 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Monday, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Williams runied the 30 year reserves that Dr. Krenek built to grow and sustain the college. The account went from 30 years to 3 months!!! He actually hurt the college worst than any natural disaster by bankrupting it! Dr. Williams did the same to the Odessa Junior College, but the board stopped the hemorrhage. They noticed that this practice was to improve the image of Dr. Williams while costing the college millions. Then its on to the next college to ruin.

Good luck fixing the sinking ship and to a lot of hard decisions!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks as if the Football team is struggling. Interesting bet the ego's are finally getting deflated a bit. Volleyball is still struggling even with a coach that thinks he knows all. HMMMM....

Sunday, October 18, 2009  

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