
Why the heck would you want to move to Snyder?

Recently a young couple, who are moving here from the city to start a new business, introduced themselves to members of our community.

The almost universal response they received: Why in the heck would you want to move to Snyder?

Has our community come to this?

Have we have lost confidence in ourselves and no longer see the beauty of Snyder?

Actually, we Snyderites are an innovative and energetic bunch.

Look at the abilities of those in the oil field.

How many flourishing, self-made, local oil field related businesses do we have?

How many hard productive workers?

A lot.

Look at the ranching industry. A thriving high risk enterprise full of people who love their jobs.

Our farmers have just brought in a bumper crop. That takes a lot of hard work and skill.

Look at the number of successful small businesses around town.

What an innovative business culture we have.

We have a hospital to provide health care.

We even have a college that is expanding in many directions and pumping money into our economy.

Our outstanding museum preserves our culture and provides cultural events.

Look at the generosity of our churches and charities.

Think about our government.

We have no violence in the streets.

We have honest government officials, even if we sometimes gripe about some of their decisions.

We have a new elementary going up.

I’m sure I’ve left things out.

We don’t have traffic problems. Have you ever tried to navigate Dallas in rush hour?

It ain’t College Avenue.

In little over an hour we can get to all the extra shopping and entertainment we really need and the drive is relaxing.

Have you priced a house in a decent part of town in Austin.


How about the splendor of our landscape?

Many of our sunsets are breathtaking.

Our weather changes are sudden and spectacular.

The wildlife is varied and abundant.

The climate is mild.

The land has a subtle beauty, varying with our ever changing light.

People are friendly and helpful.

Where else would you rather have a flat with no spare in the trunk?

To those in New York City, Snyder is exotic.

Actually, I know a lot of people who would move here if there were high paying jobs available.

The city can get old.

Maybe we can attract people who will create jobs if they see a confident and energetic community.

Finally, there is another measure of the strength of our culture.

And that is the number of people who carry Snyder with them when they move.

And been very successful at various enterprises.

And developed interesting hobbies or had interesting lives.

These people often hold a soft spot in their hearts for their old home town and even give it credit for some of their success.

In that spirit, will link to websites of such former Snyderites.

To see how we are influencing the world.

I know quite a few, but I need your help to identify others.

They need to have a website already up and going.

Or I will provide you a free place on the Web to enter a tribute to someone you know.

And even help you do it.

The time is right.

When someone tells you they are moving to Snyder, let our response be,

“Come and join us. Why in the heck would you want to live anywhere else?”

No More Dallas Morning News in Snyder

The Dallas Morning News suddenly announced they will no longer deliver in Snyder and most of West Texas. That includes Abilene and Midland/Odessa.

The Morning News is the source of information for sports and political news for many of us.

It is probably the closest thing Texas has to a state newspaper.

And West Texans follow most of Dallas’s major sports teams such as the Cowboys, Rangers, Mavericks, and Stars.

So why wouldn’t the News first just raise subscription rates to cover the rise in fuel and see how many would pay the increase.

I think a lot of us would, within reason.

The Wall Street Journal is mailed to Snyder for same day delivery.

Why couldn’t the News do that?

Does the News want to become simply a Dallas rather than a state newspaper?

Yes, I know we can go on-line and read it, but that is a completely different experience than browsing through its pages over a cup of coffee.

I called their customer relations line and then e-mailed them and got their recorded answers about high fuel costs and to just go on-line.

Barbershop talk:

To get the News to reconsider one would have to talk to higher ups and perhaps reason with them. We are looking into that, but success is doubtful.

Does anyone know a higher up?

One could find some major advertisers in the News who would like to reach West Texas viewers, Fry Electronics or specialty car dealers for example, and see if they would put pressure on the News.

There are probably others.

If all else fails, try to get a group together and have the paper delivered to a central location in Snyder.

For example, buy subscriptions in Dallas and get the delivery person to put them on the bus early in the morning for noon delivery to Rip Griffins.

Just ideas. Does anyone have some others?

Or have suggestions about how to implement the ones above?

Contact us if you are interested in getting the News delivered here.