
Random Thoughts

Was out and about Friday.

Lots of traffic in Snyder.

Is it just my imagination or was it just a few years ago that I never had to wait to get on College Avenue.

Now I have to make a mad dash across the lane in the face of oncoming vehicles to turn left.

Of course, after I have taken my life in my own hands, I look back and there is the little opening I that I didn’t have patience enough to wait for.

Down goes a landmark in Snyder: Snyder Drug on the northwest corner of College and 37th.

1950’s style architecture.

Gone in the blink of an eye. Bulldozed to make way for a new CVS.

The haunted house at the old Manhattan Hotel put on by the prison employees for Halloween looks to be really scary.

The big dark upstairs floors would be frightening enough anyway without any props.

Rumors are that a coffin, operating table and dirt have been hauled up there.

Someone needs to tell me about it after Halloween is over. I don’t have enough nerve to go through it.

Two big decisions for the community coming up: Chamber Director and WTC President.

Keep a good thought that great people are selected.

Lots of excellent feedback about the motorcycle rally.

The community took to the bikers and vice versa.

A letter to the editor in the Snyder Daily News by Richard Waters put it very well: The bikers felt welcome and they will return.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed, or is it just the enlightened that sees through the dark and murky local stories that Snyder's paper propagandizing the sky is falling. Everything is bad with the County Government, the City Government, the Hospital and now even WTC (since Roy McQueen's wife is not working there any longer). However, on the other hand after over 10 years of the DCOS executive director doing nothing but drawing a large slary and spending the annual budget, the local paper always praises the efforts and the nonexistence of any fruitful dealings that will actually help the community.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right. The DCOS is a joke. What has it done for Snyder? NOTHING!!! The reason the paper praises the DCOS because Roy McQueen is on the board.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, no big surprise that the blog on the hospital has been removed.... now all we have as citizens to keep up with the happenings at the hospital is thru the daily news, and we all know how reliable that information is....i guess folks dont like the truth being discussed!

Thursday, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your right tax payer, now we will only get one side of the story from carol hanes monday afternoon interviews with her #1 fan at his local radio station

Thursday, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some people that if they don't know, you can't tell them.~Louis Armstrong

Saturday, December 09, 2006  

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