Comments about comments to the blog: I messed up
The beauty of a blog is that one can get instant feedback.
This was one of the main purposes in using this format.
However, I discovered that I had the "moderate comments" section turned on on the community blog and in addition it had deleted my e-mail address so that I wasn’t being notified of comments.
Therefore, no comments were being posted.
I have now rectified this and all the numerous comments made previously are now available.
In fact, I have copied some of them below so that they can be read all at once.
Any response to thesecan be in the form of a comment to this entry.
Also, I have changed the settings so that comments will go through immediately.
If you want to read the comments go back through the blog entries or see below.
Open any blog and look on the left side under archives to see a list.
At the bottom of the first entry, it will tell how many comments have been posted.
Comments are a great way to express your opinions.
This can be done anonymously or you can give your name.
You have that option when posting.
All I ask is that you keep the language clean and the discussion on a high level.
I apologize to all those who posted earlier and it didn’t show up.
Thanks for your participation.
Some previous blog comments:
I don't see the other executives that Patterson has moving to Snyder. These are not the kind of country folk that would enjoy small town life. However there are some small benefits to Snyder that you need to work on. One of the benefits I see to the corporate office staying in Snyder is the low cost of labor here. If the corporate office moves, they are going to have to pay people more in a bigger city. I was working at Patterson, and I was making 18,000 per year with a college degree. I moved 80 miles away to make over double that amount.Also, I am sure that the Patterson property in Snyder is paid for. If they move to Houston, they are looking at a big expense for renting or purchasing a building.I can say to the people of Snyder, do something now before this place dries up and withers away. This boom will again go away, and you don't want to be stuck like you were in the 80's. If Patterson leaves or even if KinderMorgan leaves, where will you be???
Love,A Former Snyderite
Snyder has been my home over 50 years. I have seen it up and down several times.I agree with the comments 100%. We need to do whatever it takes to keep Patterson and Kindermorgan here.We have lost families due to lack of jobs, housing, schools and facilities were not updated. The revenue we have had over the years was not used to the highest and best use and we are paying the price now.We need to all face the facts that small West Texas towns are dying and I for one do not want to be left to "turn the lights out".Let's get more aggresive and take some pride in our community. I want to have something to leave my grandchildren.
Faye BlackledgeHeritage Homes Realtors
You make some excellent points including the fact that Snyder is a small town that lacks the amenities of a metropolitian area. The limitations of size and location alone should dictate that our political, civic, and business leaders be prudent and efficient with their financial decisions.It is difficult to mandate accountability of leadership when being politically incorrect is viewed as personal. Such is life in a small town and I do not see that changing.
AnonymousWhen times are good is the time to make prudent investments and build reserves. I hope our leadership has the expertise and discipline to prepare this community for the times when our cash-flow isn't what it is today.
If there is a real possibility, as you state, that Patterson is eventually heading to Houston, is this community prepared for the impact?Your solution seems to be that we need to offer the activities and amenities that are readily available in the metropolition areas. Is it economically feasible to do so? What do the demographics of Scurry County suggest? Anonymous
The county needs to keep Rick Mammolite in the Pro Shop with the same arrangement as he now has. Because of the number of hours he is there, he could not be replaced by even a minimum wage employee for the same money.
No Brainer is an understatement. Excellent example of local politics. The commissoners court doesn't have a clue about what they have gotten into or what to do with it. They were simply bought off with a nice endowment.
I grew up out past Union & we had an incident with a Cat & a rattlesnake. They were pretty much having a stand off on the concrete footing of the house, then my Dad went out & killed the snake. Also while clearing out some pasture, we over turned some brush to find a pair mating! That was quite a sight! They were united & entangled in a large moving ball. I have encountered many, but never been bitten or had any animals bitten. A cousin of mine did get bitten out at the Ranch & it was just terrible. I do find the myths you had somewhat amusing!
Posted by Jenney
Thank you Scott for all of your hard work and service
I to ,would like to know the reason behind Scott leaving the job.but in Snyder. alot of things remain a misstry like Charles Church being kicked off the Hospital board and why so many nurses have quit at codgell.I belive it will all come out sonner or later, thank you Scott for all your hard work, and I wish the best for you and your family
I thought Larry Thompson was over the coliseum. What is his title?
Why would anyone have "trouble" with the commissioners? They are all fine upstanding people with the best intentions for our community. I don't always agree with what they do, but I can't help but think, if Scott had "trouble" with them, there was a good reason.
I heard that the coliseum is booked almost every weekend of the year. I think because most of the time it's for private parties, people might not realize it's being used. We should find out for sure.
In looking at the possibility of the commissioner's court running or in overseeing the running of a golf course, I would ask questions about another "could be" community asset. I am speaking of the coliseum. Is the coliseum costing the tax payers or is it turning a profit for the tax base? Has this community asset been overseen in such a way that it truly is a benefit to Scurry County? Not merely a marginal asset, but a real benefit? These are not comments, they are viable questions.
life is good
Why else have other people left suddenly around here lately? Jody Nelson ring a bell? Look a little deeper and see how "burnt out" he really was...
why is the blog not immediate any longer?
I lived in Snyder most of my life and thought it was a great place to live. The biggest complaint I have about small towns like Snyder is the back-stabbing gossip. A quote I read recently was, "the greatest thing about living in a small town is that you know everybody and they know you. The worst thing about living in a small town is that you know everybody and they know you."
I can no longer be silent regarding the situation at CogdellHospital. The hospital is a great assest to Scurry County and has the potential to be a greater assest to the surrounding communities, but if the current trend continues, we won't have the staff to run a band-aid station.The atmosphere at best is oppressive! The employee morale is at an all time low. Following are a just a few reasons why: 1. Secrecy-communication is a joke, administration says nothing, managers say nothing, there is no reasoning given for anything that is done, just a lot of political "to serve the greater good" mumbo-jumbo. 2. No equality in anything, the payscale that was board appoved is apparetnly out the window. Folks that come in to apply for jobs are offered above what employees doing the same job are currently making. What about loyalty? Most employees could get jobs at other facilities and make more money, but they CHOOSE to stay in Snyder. Also no equality in discipline. Two employees can do the same thing and only one getreprimanded. 3. EVERYONE is concerned that their job or department will be deleted. People have been moved around, people have left, are leaving. Policies are made everyday that have employees wondering if they are created simply to give administration a reason to fire them! 4. Prices are being raised in the dietary department to equal those in the Snack Bar! Most hospitals give employees a discount for their meals because most of them aren't allowed to leave the building for a break. Who is bennefiting from this? Then there is talk of adminisatration wanting to close the snack bar because they don't want to pay for the upkeep. How much money has the auxiliary donated to CMH? How much equipment have they bought? How many nurses and doctors have put through school? Not a good idea. 5. Then there is that whole internet thing. We do not work at IBM, I thought we wanted a family atmosphere. What do you think we are doing on the web. Spying? If you are allowed breaks, you should be able to use the internet. Install all of the filters you want, most folks only want to read the news, check the weather or look for a quick bargain. And we are trustworthy enough to do our job before we take a break. Why can't you just trust us enough to the job we were hired for. 6. Cutting staff, we don't work in a factory. You must maintain a level of staff so that you can take care of any situation that arises. We take care of people. Emergencies and disasters happen. Employees that are always sent home for low census will eventually quit. Then when the census goes back up, you will want them to come back and guess what, THEY WON'T!! We are tired of worrying about our jobs. We are tried of worrying that someone will walk by when we have just sat down, thinking "they must not have anything to do, we must not need them".This is the atmosphere we deal with everyday. We are weary!CMH Board of Managers come talk to us (because we aren't allowed to talk to you or we will be fired), find out if these things are true.IF YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING SOON, YOU WON'T HAVE ANYONE TO MANAGE!!
The employees at the hospital are occasionally asked what can be done to retain employees and encourage new nurses come to work at Cogdell. I am shocked at how rarely the nurses bring up the issue of money. Usually other issues come up far more frequently such as being shown respect and all nurses being treated equally but most of us have given up on that ever happening. It is sad when people that routinely skip lunch breaks are treated like common criminals if they take 5 minutes to check their email at work. Living in a glass house is not something I would recommend to administration at the hospital. You want to encourage a nurse to come to Cogdell, you make the nurses that work there are happy. I have been asked by many nurses in town how things are going at the hospital and I am honest with them. Would I recommend they apply at Cogdell? I tell them NO!
This was one of the main purposes in using this format.
However, I discovered that I had the "moderate comments" section turned on on the community blog and in addition it had deleted my e-mail address so that I wasn’t being notified of comments.
Therefore, no comments were being posted.
I have now rectified this and all the numerous comments made previously are now available.
In fact, I have copied some of them below so that they can be read all at once.
Any response to thesecan be in the form of a comment to this entry.
Also, I have changed the settings so that comments will go through immediately.
If you want to read the comments go back through the blog entries or see below.
Open any blog and look on the left side under archives to see a list.
At the bottom of the first entry, it will tell how many comments have been posted.
Comments are a great way to express your opinions.
This can be done anonymously or you can give your name.
You have that option when posting.
All I ask is that you keep the language clean and the discussion on a high level.
I apologize to all those who posted earlier and it didn’t show up.
Thanks for your participation.
Some previous blog comments:
I don't see the other executives that Patterson has moving to Snyder. These are not the kind of country folk that would enjoy small town life. However there are some small benefits to Snyder that you need to work on. One of the benefits I see to the corporate office staying in Snyder is the low cost of labor here. If the corporate office moves, they are going to have to pay people more in a bigger city. I was working at Patterson, and I was making 18,000 per year with a college degree. I moved 80 miles away to make over double that amount.Also, I am sure that the Patterson property in Snyder is paid for. If they move to Houston, they are looking at a big expense for renting or purchasing a building.I can say to the people of Snyder, do something now before this place dries up and withers away. This boom will again go away, and you don't want to be stuck like you were in the 80's. If Patterson leaves or even if KinderMorgan leaves, where will you be???
Love,A Former Snyderite
Snyder has been my home over 50 years. I have seen it up and down several times.I agree with the comments 100%. We need to do whatever it takes to keep Patterson and Kindermorgan here.We have lost families due to lack of jobs, housing, schools and facilities were not updated. The revenue we have had over the years was not used to the highest and best use and we are paying the price now.We need to all face the facts that small West Texas towns are dying and I for one do not want to be left to "turn the lights out".Let's get more aggresive and take some pride in our community. I want to have something to leave my grandchildren.
Faye BlackledgeHeritage Homes Realtors
You make some excellent points including the fact that Snyder is a small town that lacks the amenities of a metropolitian area. The limitations of size and location alone should dictate that our political, civic, and business leaders be prudent and efficient with their financial decisions.It is difficult to mandate accountability of leadership when being politically incorrect is viewed as personal. Such is life in a small town and I do not see that changing.
AnonymousWhen times are good is the time to make prudent investments and build reserves. I hope our leadership has the expertise and discipline to prepare this community for the times when our cash-flow isn't what it is today.
If there is a real possibility, as you state, that Patterson is eventually heading to Houston, is this community prepared for the impact?Your solution seems to be that we need to offer the activities and amenities that are readily available in the metropolition areas. Is it economically feasible to do so? What do the demographics of Scurry County suggest? Anonymous
The county needs to keep Rick Mammolite in the Pro Shop with the same arrangement as he now has. Because of the number of hours he is there, he could not be replaced by even a minimum wage employee for the same money.
No Brainer is an understatement. Excellent example of local politics. The commissoners court doesn't have a clue about what they have gotten into or what to do with it. They were simply bought off with a nice endowment.
I grew up out past Union & we had an incident with a Cat & a rattlesnake. They were pretty much having a stand off on the concrete footing of the house, then my Dad went out & killed the snake. Also while clearing out some pasture, we over turned some brush to find a pair mating! That was quite a sight! They were united & entangled in a large moving ball. I have encountered many, but never been bitten or had any animals bitten. A cousin of mine did get bitten out at the Ranch & it was just terrible. I do find the myths you had somewhat amusing!
Posted by Jenney
Thank you Scott for all of your hard work and service
I to ,would like to know the reason behind Scott leaving the job.but in Snyder. alot of things remain a misstry like Charles Church being kicked off the Hospital board and why so many nurses have quit at codgell.I belive it will all come out sonner or later, thank you Scott for all your hard work, and I wish the best for you and your family
I thought Larry Thompson was over the coliseum. What is his title?
Why would anyone have "trouble" with the commissioners? They are all fine upstanding people with the best intentions for our community. I don't always agree with what they do, but I can't help but think, if Scott had "trouble" with them, there was a good reason.
I heard that the coliseum is booked almost every weekend of the year. I think because most of the time it's for private parties, people might not realize it's being used. We should find out for sure.
In looking at the possibility of the commissioner's court running or in overseeing the running of a golf course, I would ask questions about another "could be" community asset. I am speaking of the coliseum. Is the coliseum costing the tax payers or is it turning a profit for the tax base? Has this community asset been overseen in such a way that it truly is a benefit to Scurry County? Not merely a marginal asset, but a real benefit? These are not comments, they are viable questions.
life is good
Why else have other people left suddenly around here lately? Jody Nelson ring a bell? Look a little deeper and see how "burnt out" he really was...
why is the blog not immediate any longer?
I lived in Snyder most of my life and thought it was a great place to live. The biggest complaint I have about small towns like Snyder is the back-stabbing gossip. A quote I read recently was, "the greatest thing about living in a small town is that you know everybody and they know you. The worst thing about living in a small town is that you know everybody and they know you."
I can no longer be silent regarding the situation at CogdellHospital. The hospital is a great assest to Scurry County and has the potential to be a greater assest to the surrounding communities, but if the current trend continues, we won't have the staff to run a band-aid station.The atmosphere at best is oppressive! The employee morale is at an all time low. Following are a just a few reasons why: 1. Secrecy-communication is a joke, administration says nothing, managers say nothing, there is no reasoning given for anything that is done, just a lot of political "to serve the greater good" mumbo-jumbo. 2. No equality in anything, the payscale that was board appoved is apparetnly out the window. Folks that come in to apply for jobs are offered above what employees doing the same job are currently making. What about loyalty? Most employees could get jobs at other facilities and make more money, but they CHOOSE to stay in Snyder. Also no equality in discipline. Two employees can do the same thing and only one getreprimanded. 3. EVERYONE is concerned that their job or department will be deleted. People have been moved around, people have left, are leaving. Policies are made everyday that have employees wondering if they are created simply to give administration a reason to fire them! 4. Prices are being raised in the dietary department to equal those in the Snack Bar! Most hospitals give employees a discount for their meals because most of them aren't allowed to leave the building for a break. Who is bennefiting from this? Then there is talk of adminisatration wanting to close the snack bar because they don't want to pay for the upkeep. How much money has the auxiliary donated to CMH? How much equipment have they bought? How many nurses and doctors have put through school? Not a good idea. 5. Then there is that whole internet thing. We do not work at IBM, I thought we wanted a family atmosphere. What do you think we are doing on the web. Spying? If you are allowed breaks, you should be able to use the internet. Install all of the filters you want, most folks only want to read the news, check the weather or look for a quick bargain. And we are trustworthy enough to do our job before we take a break. Why can't you just trust us enough to the job we were hired for. 6. Cutting staff, we don't work in a factory. You must maintain a level of staff so that you can take care of any situation that arises. We take care of people. Emergencies and disasters happen. Employees that are always sent home for low census will eventually quit. Then when the census goes back up, you will want them to come back and guess what, THEY WON'T!! We are tired of worrying about our jobs. We are tried of worrying that someone will walk by when we have just sat down, thinking "they must not have anything to do, we must not need them".This is the atmosphere we deal with everyday. We are weary!CMH Board of Managers come talk to us (because we aren't allowed to talk to you or we will be fired), find out if these things are true.IF YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING SOON, YOU WON'T HAVE ANYONE TO MANAGE!!
The employees at the hospital are occasionally asked what can be done to retain employees and encourage new nurses come to work at Cogdell. I am shocked at how rarely the nurses bring up the issue of money. Usually other issues come up far more frequently such as being shown respect and all nurses being treated equally but most of us have given up on that ever happening. It is sad when people that routinely skip lunch breaks are treated like common criminals if they take 5 minutes to check their email at work. Living in a glass house is not something I would recommend to administration at the hospital. You want to encourage a nurse to come to Cogdell, you make the nurses that work there are happy. I have been asked by many nurses in town how things are going at the hospital and I am honest with them. Would I recommend they apply at Cogdell? I tell them NO!
We have a lot of energy in Snyder now. Lets take advantage of it to create something to take the place of the oil when it runs out.
My comments are not showing up under the hospital issue...
I would like to know why it is when you go to the hospital, you recieve 3 seperate bills? This is a huge waste of taxpayers money.You get a bill from the facility, a bill on x-rays, and the doctor's bill. Does everyone know that these dr. bills come all the way from Philidelipha? Well that is a bunch of money spent on transmitted these bills out of state, just so they can be sent back to snyder. Wake up people the dr.s and ceo are ripping the tax payers off.
Why does haynes need a raise? We can not even pay the much more deserving nurses a good salary!!!
Does she take care of patients on a daily basis? No she is always gone out in the community spending money. Tax payers money. Are we gonna give the nurses a membership to the country club. Tell the taxpayers who needs to visit the country more.It is not Carol Haynes. She should not get a raise untill she fixes all the problems she has brought to this hospital.
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What gives with the blogs?????
I had heard that Carol Hanes wanted the Hospital blog removed off of the internet because it was to imformative to the public.The old gal gotter done.What or who is being protected?Why is she a threat?What happened to a free speech America? Is Snyder excluded?
The Blog was a place where employees could tell how they were treated.It was also a place where the public could hear the truth.
If Carol Hanes was doing a good job then why would she not want everyone to spreed the word?
I can't believe she has that much pull to get the blog removed.Now the public will sure wonder.
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The relative complexities of women's and men's style
Both women and men could feel the demands of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's fashion often seems a lot easier. Of course, for both sexes, costumes and fashion options can be just as intricate, and there are numerous'cool'items that can easily become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people running around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's fashion has a few choice items which will exist eternally - which man is planning to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose classic pieces, colors and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
Why common men's fashion is amazing
The common man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many options for various events, however they are all popular in their search for a clever, sharp look for the wearer. The best part about traditional fashion for men is that it's effectively trendy efficiently cool. A well-groomed lady can more often than not appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such clothing. A suit will be worn to work in many occupations because of the professional look it provides to the person, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a match will undoubtedly be used to several social situations, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing versatility that enables suits to be utilized in nearly all events is what gives it its eternal border and a lasting invest men's fashion.
Contemporary developments in classic men's fashion
Whilst common men's designs will never be changed, it is interesting to observe that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain common garments back into fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, particularly, has had back a wide-variety of classic styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet lavish way, operating in a sophisticated manner and placing importance on appearance. This tendency for nearly'over-the-top'common style for men is apparent from events including the'Tweed Run', wherever men and girls of all ages dress in particularly Victorian-style clothing and decide to try the streets on vintage cycles - with lots of the men sporting impeccable mustaches! This really is only one of several samples of research exhibiting the resurrection of such designs. There are also numerous sites on line which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, although specific issues with common men's style could be brought back as new styles, the fundamental clothes which they are derived from will never fall out of fashion.
"All it takes are a few simple clothes. And there is one key - the easier the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a technical angle.
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