
What a Great Weekend II

The October 7th weekend was everything promised and more.

See our video montage on

Reports pouring in from numerous sources have been uniformly positive.

It took a great effort from many people and institutions working together to make it happen.

These were chamber sponsored events and Sandra and Brenda worked overtime to pull things together.

Special kudos go to David Boyd and the motorcycle committee which met every Monday for a year to plan the event.

Putting on a happening of this magnitude for the first time is a tremendous undertaking.

They pulled it off with style, grace and organization.

It is poised to be even bigger next year.

Marianne Randals and Bill and their volunteers revitalized the White Buffalo Days. Everything was bigger and better with activities and vendors galore.

The Manhatten Hotel was a great headquarters.

People were on the square morning, noon and night and even Sunday afternoon.

What a great event.

And they have even bigger plans for next year.

Tim Collier and Jerry Baird put on a superb cook-off and the food was delicious.

A note of thanks to Larry Thompson and the coliseum staff who were extremely helpful and courteous.

And to the law enforcement personnel who had a visible presence but handled the events very diplomatically.

These are all the people I’m going to name because the list would be endless and I would leave out someone deserving.

What are the lessons for Snyder?

The community working together can make us a household word throughout the area.

We need to strike while the iron is hot, while the oil is flowing and strive to bring people from the outside into the town.

In the Internet Age many businesses can operate wherever there is electricity and a broadband connection.

A recent Wall Street Journal article discussed the phenomena of people wanting to return to places where there is a sense of community.

It highlighted a number of small towns that are luring people from the city for this very reason.

A sense of community is one of our strongest assets.

Ask people who grew up here and moved to Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin or Fort Worth.

Yes, they like what there is to do in the big city but as life moves on, many of them yearn for a place with less traffic and that before mentioned sense of community.

They don’t want to return to a desert but if there were job opportunities and the quality of life were sufficient, they would love to work and even retire here.

Therefore, let’s keep activities going, the creative juices flowing, the community cooperating, the people coming and the quality of life improving.

If we do, there is no limit to what can happen right here in little ole Snyder, Texas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I like about the bikefest is that we had a group of folks that aren't usually involved in chamber events who pulled this thing off.
I think its great that the chamber supported new blood and I hope this encourages others to come up with ideas for events.

Friday, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were some naysayers about all the things that could go wrong, but we had enough people with faith in the project to see it through.

Friday, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These events have a lot of people in the area talking about Snyder, saying good things.
I'm tired of hearing people run us down. We even run ourselves down. I was talking to a newcomer family the other day and they said, "The first word I heard from several people when I introduced myself was why would you want to move here."
I am tired of people here saying this kind of stuff.
We have a lot to offer here and we have people who know how to get things done.
Come on Snyder. Look what we can do when we all work together.

Friday, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fresh ideas, fresh faces and thinking outside of the box will help our community. "We've never done it that way" or "I want to be in charge of it" have killed a multitude of good ideas and squashed many enthusiastic people. The bikefest was great.

Friday, October 13, 2006  

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