
EMS, A very important issue

The basis for a discussion of the EMS will be a letter to the editor of the Snyder Daily News written by Perry Westmoreland, the current operator of the EMS. It follows:
For all the right reasons, I’ve tried to avoid any public statements such as this. It seems the time has come.

Wade Warren is right when he says Snyder EMS should have asked for smaller increases all along, and not waited 19 years to ask for our first subsidy increase.

Trying to be a good business partner in the community, and not ask for an increase until one was absolutely necessary was always our intent.

Unfortunately now, it appears that was not a good business plan.

But our conscience is clear.

We have reached the necessary point, and we have been a good business partner with the county.

Perhaps Guardian EMS is correct when they say we should be charging $550 per run and $11.50 per mile all these years, instead of the modest rates we are still charging our customers.

Yes, that would have robbed from Peter to pay Paul, but again, perhaps that is what we should have been doing all along (unless of course, you are the one who gets the bill).

What is not being told is the whole story, and while I can’t possibly begin to address it all here, the highlights follow:

People keep saying we refuse to open our books.

What books do they want opened?

I provide a quarterly report to the commissioners’ court, giving them the financial information they asked for in my contract.

That itemized report has been provided to the governmental oversight body every quarter for 19 years, showing our expenses, revenue, and financial outcome for the quarter.

Additionally, I had my CPA work up an itemized Profit & Loss Statement (P&L) which I provided to Judge Rod Waller, showing our detailed expenses, income, my personal management fee, and listing by category (i.e., office supplies, fuel insurance, salaries, etc.) every dime earned and spent for our last fiscal year.

I went the extra mile, and told the court they had unlimited access to my CPA who would answer any question they had, and I know for a fact that county auditor Charlie Bell visited with my CPA.

So my question is, what books have I refused to open?

My proposal to the court is based on "our current contract" which sets a limit on what we can charge the customer.

The figures noted in Mr. Warren’s column are solely to hire three full time paramedics so that we can staff appropriately.

The day of being able to run Snyder EMS with mostly part time people are gone forever.
I’ve explained this in detail to the court, and I believe they have confirmed with other companies, such as mine, that this type of help is no longer available.

Full time paramedics are necessary to remedy our staffing shortages.

My paramedics are a minimum of $6,000 under paid annually, for a comparable paramedic position in our region of Texas.

They have been great to hang on as long as they have, a credit to them, and a testament to the type of people who answer your calls for help.

But, anyone on our staff can tell you, several have already left for better paying jobs, and in order for me (or any other operator) to attract people here, we must pay a competitive wage.
These people deserve a fair wage.

What I’ve not addressed in this article, because common sense will tell you, is that the cost of fuel doubled in recent years.

Insurance, 3-2 times what it was 5 years ago.

I’ve not addressed the paramedic shortage statewide, which the court has also confirmed other companies are suffering from.

I’ve not addressed the fact that provisions ( such as office space) promised us in our contract by the city prior to 1993, have not been made available to us, and that we have quietly made other arrangements at our sole expense, instead of making a public debate out of the issues,
I’ve not noted that our contract calls for EMT level of care, and that for 17 years, we have provided Mobile Intensive Care Unit level of care, again at our sole cost and expense.
We have purchased almost all of the equipment to make that happen.

I’ve personally taught several EMT, EMT-I and paramedic courses, and provided equipment, supplies, and clinical rotations through our company to make that happen, at our expense.
The list is long, and the editor’s column is limited.

Snyder EMS wants to continue to provide EMS service to this community.

We want to deliver "First Class" care, so that the level of care you have come to expect remains the standard.

We can not continue to do this with overworked staff members, being paid considerably less than a fair wage.

This is not 1987.

We have gone 19 years without an increase in subsidy because of two (customer) rate adjustments granted by the commissioners court, one around 1995, and the other around 2000.
With another rate increase being granted now, we can reduce the requested increase proposed to the court significantly.

I was asked by the commissioners to bring them a proposal based on our existing contract.
That is what I did, telling them beforehand that the numbers would be subject to change based on a new contract.

I furthermore told them that I will not continue to operate under the exiting agreement, which is out of date, and references items that no longer exist.

They are well aware that modifications in a new contract can significantly decrease the subsidy requirements I proposed.

I feel comfortable they are exploring those options in an effort to compare apples to apples and secure a competent provider at a practical subsidy.

I believe the end result will be a decision based on a better collection and evaluation of the facts and necessities, and I feel certain a good decision will ultimately be made.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an issue that along with fire protection, law enforcement, and public utilities I consider a CORE ISSUE for ALL of the people of Scurry County. The importance of having continued EXCELLENT SERVICE cannot be over-emphasized.

The present provider has an excellent track record of service and has demonstrated trustworthy leadership to the commissioners court and to this community.

It is never a bad idea to do business with people that you trust, particularily when the QUALITY OF SERVICE is so CRITICAL.

The only thing that is puzzling about this issue is why it is taking our elected leadership so long to have an agreement in place.

We expect and even demand QUALITY SERVICE from EMS, and we should do no less of the commissioners court.

Monday, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In matters of life or death, we need the best.
From my own experience I know that Mr. Westmoreland is among the best.
Commissioners, please go with him.
His prices are competitive and he has the interests of Scurry County at heart.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The EMS is one the most important services funded by the county.

Scurry County needs an EMS of the highest possible quality.

The commissioners are doing their jobs by trying to get the most for their money.

However, we know that Perry Westmoreland has provided an extremely high quality service over the years.

The commissioners have contacted another EMS and it is obvious that Mr. Westmoreland has provided a very fair price, probably below market.

Besides, will an out of town EMS have the same stake in Scurry County as a locally operated one?

For good reasons, the hospital has publicly stated that they do not want the EMS.

Even if they can run it cheaper, how well will they perform if their heart is not in it.

The bottom line is that if something serious happens to me or my family (or any person for that matter), I want the very best care, not the cheapest.

I know Perry Westmoreland will provide that care.

This is not an area to skimp.

I think many Scurry citizens agree.

I hope that some degree of animosity has not developed between the commissioners and Mr. Westmoreland.

Reading between the lines, it seems that maybe it has.

However, all this needs to be put aside and a new contract between Mr. Westmoreland and the EMS concluded, hopefully as soon as possible.

Maybe both sides can give a little.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This issue is a prime example of why the public should be demanding that the leadership of city and county government raise the level of their performance.

There are certainly areas of effort where adequate performance is acceptable, but I do not think this is one of them.

It can be incredibly frustrating to do business with any government enity, and yet the public has allowed this to continue for years.

It has been suggested that the public will make necessary changes thru the election process.

It is my belief that the political process dictates that the politicans are in the best position to mandate effective and efficient government. My belief is certainly more valid at the Federal level than it is at the County level.

This is simply a case of poor performance by the commissioners court.

Is it the County Judges direct responsibility to mandate that the commissioners court conduct their business in a professional and timely manner?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone told me this week that they once tried working EMS. They told a few war stories, and concluded that they would not do this job for all the tea in China.
It takes a special person, with a motivation different than most to do the job of an EMT. We have a team of these people now, that have a proven track record. Their leader not only guides them, but somehow manages the Fire Department too, and together they work hand in hand to take care of us.

Much has been said about the quality of care that we don't want to lose. I agree totally. That quality of care comes from the quality of people. If you want a good service, you have good people.

They are a breed all their own, and if we break up this team, I fear we will lose something we have come to take for granted.

Come on Commissioners, see the big picture. Yes, perhaps the hospital can run it cheaper.. Cheaper is not always better. Look at what we are going to lose jus in the interim if you make such a huge change. As a citizen, I for one, am willing to pay part for the piece of mind I have knowing who is coming to answer my call.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Snyder Daily News is reporting that one of our commissioners will soon be riding along with both EMS and GUARDIAN for a couple of days to evaluate their level of service. He in turn will provide the County Judge the evaluation results.

If the Commissioners Court {yes, that includes the County Judge} believe that this will provide an accurate accessment of these two companies ability to provide a high level of service over an extended period of time, then this might be an indicator of the level of performance that the commissioners court is performing at.

Field survey work can be an excellent tool, especially if it is done randomly and unannounced. It is normally utilized as a tool to find out what is going on in the real world.

To evaluate level of service, an accurate accessment of past performance and the ability to maintain performance.

To put it in terms that the commissioners court can understand:
What have they done in the past and are they equipted to continue it.

Now might be a real good time for the people of Scurry County to demand a complete and thorough evaluation of the commissioners court.

I am not sure that they would be prepared if you gave them plenty of notice and told them up front what your concerns are!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to thank everyone for all the anonymous comments made on behalf of EMS. The comment was made this morning that none of the commissioners have received any phone calls from the communitity wanting Perry to keep the service as it is. I guess in the commissioners minds or what they use for minds, they think that because no one has called and expressed concerns that no one is in favor of SNYDER EMS. I think that they will be surprised to know exactly how many do support us. We were also told, that they did not read the letters to the editors, so I guess what I am asking is that any public opinion,one way or the other need to expressed to them personally.
Thank again for all the support.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was decided Monday in the county commissioners meeting that a member of the commissioners court will be riding out with Snyder EMS and with Guardian EMS later this week. This is supposed to be a fact finding mission. My first question is will the commissioners representive know what to look for and what kind of background knowledge does he have concerning the CORRECT way a EMS provider should perform or most importantly run their business. Will he know anything at all about how ANY EMS is mandated by the TDH? Not to mention the training that is required for the personnel?
Secondly, I tried without success to have a question answered as to how the EMS personnel will be handled at the hospital. Will they work on the floor or ER when they are not on runs? WILL EXISTING JOBS AT THE HOSPITAL BE IN JEOPARDY? How can I as a tax payer know that the hospital administration will not be substidizing either the EMS budget or the hospital budget (in other words, robbing Peter to pay Paul) in order to make the managements yearly budget look good?
There has been statements made that a director of EMS will be going to PA school and handling the EMS operation at the hospital. Now that is what we really need, another director of a major department not only not living in Snyder, but going to school himself. That sure leaves a lot of time for making sure the citizens in Scurry county gets the BEST EMS service possible.
Please, I hope the citizens of Scurry county will stand up and demand what is in their best interest. MAKE the commissioners know what they are doing before changes are made in the service Snyder EMS has been giving Scurry county for the past 19 years for something that will be decided on as a result of 1 commissioners report to the others that did not know what to ask for or what to do with the information he left with at either Snyder EMS or Guardian.
It's time the commissioners starting showing they can be knowledgable about a issue before voting on it on the behalf of the citizens that put them in office.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a supporter of the EMS being left with Perry Westmoreland.
However, I think Terry Williams taking the time to ride with the EMS is a good thing. It gives him a perspective on what the EMS is all about.

Let's give him credit for that.

The commissioners have not made a decision yet and they are doing the right thing by examining their options.

Making these decisions is tough, so lets keep things civil.

However, I do think the commissioners need to know how important people feel that the EMS is to the county and that cost should not be the end all and be all of their decision.

I personally am willing to use my tax money for a service that I know is top quality. Even if it costs a bit more.

I definitely am opposed to the hospital taking the service. They have enough on their plate right now just running the hospital.

They have even said they do not want to run the EMS.

I think the commissioners welcome input but nobody likes being called names so let's stick to rational arguments.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People, you are going to lose a lot if the EMS Service changes hands. I think we have some underhanded commisioners. Our lady at the hospital says that she doesn't want it and she has no experience in running an EMS service. yet she has taken it upon herself to contact a former employee of Snyder EMS and has been talking with him about being a "Technical Advisor". Boy we sure gonna save some money there. Not only will we have to pay for this advisor, we still have to pay fair wages to get personnel to work. Ah, there is another problem. Nurse shortage at CMH. This lady has made most of a very qualified nursing staff quit. We were paying these high quality nurses about $30.00 per hour and they were worth every penny and more. Now she outsources it and they pay $60.00 per hour. That lady is saving us money hand over fist. Those commisioners are sharp. Now they want the same lady to run the EMS. I don't think so. The commissioners brag on how much money she has made and saved. Elevators sometimes work, sometimes don't. Saving money. The fire pump for the hospital has not worked in over a year. She is saving that money. Had to hire a maintenance professional to tell her what needs to be repaired. Patches just work so long. So long saved money. I think that it is recall election time for a fine group of commisioners. More to come.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay here's a rational discussion.

Let's say that one believes that Westmoreland's EMS is better than any other and all other options cost the same.

A rational person would choose Westmoreland without hesitation.

But what if Westmoreland is better but costs $20,000 more to run.
Would you be willing to pay that much more?

What if he is $50,000 more. Still want to go with Westmoreland?

What if you thought all services were equal. Would you pay more for Westmoreland or go with the cheapest service?

Or would you pay $10,000 more having someone local running the service?

How you answer these questions and others like them would determine what EMS service you would vote for.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think many people are very happy with Westmoreland and have great confidence in him.

With a life a stake, I want the best and I would pay a premium.

How much more is a good question.

Please not the hospital. I think this is a servicd that a specialized company Should run.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm for cutting our commissioners some slack as they make these hard decisions.
They have to balance a lot of considerations and it is always easy to second guess.
However, we do know for sure that Perry is up to the job and that should figure heavily in their calculations.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if some of the commissioner would be willing to explain their thinking on this forum. It might help people better understand how they are to arrive at their decision.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know many people who have very strong feelings about this issue. Mostly pro Westmoreland, but they will not call the commissioners.

I don't know why. Either because they don't like conflict or are afraid that it will affect their business somehow.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Anonymous comments allow people to express themselves without others taking it personally.

However, sometimes people will say nasty things because they know they are anonymous.

Overall, it can be a good thing if people still have consideration for others feelings.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This "issue" with EMS should not even be an issue. There is no other EMS that can even compare to this one. I know that the commissioners think that they are "tryin to do the right thing" ,but let me tell you. It has been fortunate for them that they have not had to be a patient of EMS and evaluate our level of expertise. Since when all of a sudden is it our expertise and compatancy on line when for 19 years it has not been questioned .When you bring money into it the rules change.why is that? when it comes to comparison then why choose another ambulance service that has better equipment to work with. Of COURSE they will appear to be more compentant than us. why not just give us the money to become better equipped.Here is a thought--If they have better equipment to help them find patients then when they get there will they already know the medical history of that patient if the patient cannot tell them. I think the answer would be NO!!.As a small rural town the men and women that work EMS know MANY of the patients they pick up. I know when i leave town that if any of family or friends need their help it will be the best. I am thankful for what support EMS has gotten and hope that everyone will help and voice their opinion so that the commissioners do not have to make a choice .Leave EMS in the hands of Westmoreland !!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rational Comments.
I agree, no one likes name calling. Have you ever been to a commissioners meeting. To say that it is run in a professional manner would be a gross over-statement. Where are the rules of Parlimentary Procedure. I learned these back in school. They use some form that is foreign to me. Commissioners are elected by the people to represent the people. Too often, they forget this and think that they run the business without regards to what the people want. They also let personal feelings come into play. Let me give you an example. A commissioner was recently engaged in a conversation and the commissioner stated that evidently Perry Westmoreland was having a problem affording the life style that he was accustomed to, so he went out and got a second job as Fire Chief. The commissioner said that if he scaled back his style of living and concentrated solely on his EMS business, he could do a better job of running his business and would not be asking for an increased subsidy. This is the same commissioner who also has a business but had to get out and find a second job also so he could continue his style of living or improve it. When called on that statement he replied "well you can't compare that business to my business". When statements such as that are made by an elected official, it reassures me they will be gone shortly. I am sorry, but that is the old "Foot in Mouth Disease". How smart are we as voters? We have a commissioner who has failed at private business, but we expect him to run the county business. I take my part of the blame for that one. If our commissioners were actively working on this issue it would be a little easier to swallow, but 1 Man is doing the work and 3 people are sitting on their butts counting on him. The public better get involved on this one. Since when does a commissioner become capable of judging anyone, their capabilities or the equipment that he knows nothing about. Come on commissioners - wake up or get out.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This issue is about FACTS, not FEELINGS.

Also, this is a business issue and not a personal issue.

One can have a high level of personal respect for the people of the commissioners court, but these FEELINGS have absolutely nothing to with job performance.

In fact, you cannot have an accurate assesment of performance if personal feelings are involved.

Maybe it would help people to take a corporate view...the higher you go up the corporate ladder the more emphasis there is on professional conduct and the greater the expectations of high level performance.

The commissioners court is at the top of Scurry Countys ladder. We should expect and receive no less than quality performance.

The commissioners court is not a volunteer group, no one forced them into office, but rather, they are simply paid employees of the people. They have a very important job with tremendous responsibility and a high degree of difficulty.

This is an excellent opportunity for the commissioners court, which includes the County Judge to exhibit their LEVEL of COMPETENCE.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Johnny struggled in school not because he wasn't capable, but because he didn't pay attention in class and he didn't do his homework.

Advice to the Commissioners Court: PAY ATTENTION and DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

I understand the RESPONSIBILITY of your job, but I am totally baffled by the degree of difficulty you seem to have in performing it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bringing up elected officials...They have all failed at running their own personnel buisnesses or personnel lives, and we as the voters actually voted them in as of "governing body." What a joke, I hope that in the elections that follow, we all do our homework before we vote ANY ONE in.
As for the cannot fix something that is broke.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like the court is dragging it's collective feet on a very important issue. Perry turned in his contract extension nearly a year ago. The court did not respond at all until Perry finally went to Judge Waller and was told they could not pay the extra 30,000 dollars. Perry told them in January that the court should go out for bids at that time and pulled his contract extension off the table. Still no response from the court. Perry was then told by the court to bring in another bid that would be reasonable to the citizens of Scurry county. After Perry's bid was known, suddenly Guardian EMS and the hospital appear and say they can do the same job that Perry has done for 19 years cheaper and make a profit. Now that the history is set, my opinion.Perry has operated Snyder EMS for 19 years at the same cost to the county. He has pieced together equipment that most people would have thrown out, to keep the cost to the county down. He works two jobs, most of us do these days. Perry never lets his personal business interfere with the fire department.
You will never know how many nights Perry spends at the EMS office till 2 or 3 in the morning doing the paperwork necessary to keep EMS running. He has dedicated nearly half of his life to providing excellent care to the people of our county (at the lowest cost to his patients). I do not believe an outside service, with no ties to the community, will provide this same level of dedication. Concerning the hospital running the ambulance service. Emergency Medical Services is a totally different creature from hospital medicine. How can anyone, who openly admits they know nothing about running an ambulance service, think they can jump in and run an quality service? Please, Please, Please leave Snyder EMS with Perry so they can continue the same level of care we have all come to expect when we need an ambulance. The commissioners are elected by us. Please take the time to tell your county government what you want. Don't let THEM tell you what you want. This issue is now down to the wire since the current EMS contract will expire at the end of May. It never should have gone this long. The court should do the right thing and do it NOW!

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would any of the commissioners allow me to come in and judge the quality of their work just by watching them at one meeting? Does Mr. Williams possess any medical training that would allow him to judge my patient care? I hope he is not using the TV shows E.R. or Rescue 911 for the basis of his expertise. Perhaps I should go out to his propane service and critique him, since I know absolutely nothing about the propane business. I think I heard the term "apples to apples". Does that apply here?

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My family and I are for Perry Westmoreland! They do a super job with the people here! This shouldn't even be an issue!

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't Snyder leave Mr. Westmoreland alone? He has awesome people working at Snyder EMS! Go Westmoreland!

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please go with Mr. Westmoreland. He knows Snyder and best of all, his heart is with all of us!

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is not much time to keep considering a decision. It needs to be made in the next two weeks, so there can be a seamless transition to a new sreive if that is what the county chooses, and so Mr. Moreland can make arrangements to close his own business. I hate to say my opinion is that the decision has already been taken behind closed doors. What we see now is 'window dressing' in an attempt to make the choice more palatable to voters.

I prefer the EMS service remain with Snyder EMS. But if that will not happen, the I would rather the county give it to Gaurdian diretly, and bypass the hospital.

The hosiptal knows nothing about running an ambulance service. This is not a good area to 'learn by doing'. The hosiptal has enough problems of its own. MR. Westmoreland has given such excellent service he makes this look like it is an easy job, but it is not. Do not give this job to the inexperienced. Your life may depend on it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is in response to the earlier post concerning the life style Perry Westmoreland is accustomed to. Perry wants the best he can provide for his family. Agreed. Is this not what any good husband and father should want? The problem with Perry appears to be that he carries this over into his business practices as well. Again, is this not what you want from the fire chief and owner of the ambulance service? He provides excellent services and is never satisfied with mediocre. The fire department continues to upgrade it's training, EMS continues to upgrade their skills. What is wrong with wanting the best? Perry wants it as a business man and we have come to expect it as the end comsumer. Sadly it has come to a point where the county must pay more money for Snyder EMS to continue to provide their great services. Equipment wears out and finally becomes obsolete.Keeping up with the newest trend in medicine is expensive but necessary. Insurance rates are out of the roof. And Perry has operated on the SAME SUBSIDY for 19 years. It appears that the commissioners are looking for a bargain. I don't mind that at Walmart but never when my family and property are concerned. I have found in my life you generally get what you pay for. Is an outside service going to be able to come in and provide a comparable service for less than Perry ask for? I seriously doubt it. They will be faced with the same battles Perry has fought for years, ie rising fuel cost, lack of paramedics, rising cost of supplies and expanding cost of living. If the other service can do it for the same money, then why change something that is working now. Putting the ambulance service at the hospital has it's own downfalls. First the hospital seems to have it's own problems, ie not being able to keep it's experienced nurses and constantly turning departments upside down with no apparent improvement. They have no past experience in running an ambulance service. This is not something you just decide to do over night. If they have to bring in outside advisors to assist, will they be able to provide the same care as Snyder EMS for the same cost to the citizens of Scurry county? Again I seriously doubt it. It seems the commissioners have more than money as an issue. If it is a personality clash, get over it and do the job you were elected to do with no bias or favoritism. Perry's 19 years at the helm of Snyder EMS speaks for itself. Personally, I don't want to place a price tag on the well being and safety of my family. Maybe we could use that dump truck or maintainer, that the commissioners seem to prize so much, for another year or two and pay Perry what he needs to continue the highest level of care that we are accustomed to.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does Terry Williams know about how EMS is ran? What is he going to get out of it? This is too ridiculous! I'm for Westmoreland---MORE POWER TO HIM!

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want something done, you need to get Commissioner Lindsey on your side. It's obvious that the rest of the court and courthouse are puppets on her string.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the "Ask Us" question in the newspaper states...there is an open commissioners court meeting on Monday morning at 10. Please help fill the courtroom with Snyder EMS suppoters.

Terry Williams was SUPPOST to be at Guardian EMS today, and he never went. I guess he made an educated decision based on NOT observing them...Yeah Right!!!
PLease support Snyder EMS on Monday morning at 10.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have found that the best way to deal with boards or commissioners when one disagrees with them is to let them know what you think in a respectful way.

Calling them up is very effective because not many people are willing to do that.

All you have to say is something like "This is so and so and I really think Perry is doing a great job and would like to see you go with him. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks."

You don't,unless you want to, have to say much more.

Going to a meeting is also very effective, especially if, once again, you act respectful of the office.

Put yourself in their place.

If you are trying to make a decision and someone tells you how stupid you are and yells at you, you might do the opposite just because you are mad.

The commissioners are people too.

But they are also elected officials and should want to do what is best for their community and should take into strong consideration the wishes of the majority of its citizens.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think that the County Judge is the presiding officer of the Commissioners Court and has direct responsibility for the procedural conduct of that court. I am not a lawyer so I do not know all of the legal ramifications of what he can and cannot do.

Common sense tells me that he can and should mandate civil behavior by ALL ATTENDEES including the commissioners.

Unfortunately, PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT cannot be legally mandated

RESPECT that is given, more often than not, gets RESPECT in return.

I have a great amount of respect for the Commissioners Court, and, sadly, very little respect for the way it is run and the unprofessional way that they conduct our business.

If I were an employer and someone said that my employees were a JOKE, I might not give it another thought. If a few people made the same statement, it would probably get my attention enough to, at least, consider the source. If I am hearing that all over town, it should get my full attention and I PROBABLY HAVE A PROBLEM.

Scurry County Residents, when is the last time that you had an ACCURATE EVALUATION of the PERFORMANCE of YOUR EMPLOYEES?

Now might be a good time before the oil industry goes bust and mother nature turns us back into a prairie.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to say that I was raised here in Snyder, left and came back many times through my life and there is one thing that I always missed when I was away.... the comfort in knowing that if there was a devestating emergency that "home town folks" who knew just about everything about your life, and cared about you would be there to give you the best care possible. I worked at CMH for many years, and I have been in the ER many times when Snyder EMS brought in patients, I also have helped in accidents and other emergencies when I was needed, and since moving back to Snyder to raise my family, and having been in the Medical field for 18 years, I am totally appaulled at the way things are being run in the county. FIRST I am having a very hard time about the way that the hospital is being run..... WAKE THE HECK UP PEOPLE!!!!! The incompentancy of the hospital administrator is to the point of lunacy. All of the best care that the citizens WERE getting, has left, and more are leaving!!! The Commissioners need to wake up and smell the coffee!!! How many VERY qualified nurses live right here in Scurry County, but work elsewhere because the quality of care in Snyder has gone down the toilet??? TOO MANY!!! And the Commisioners want to hand over Snyder EMS to this???? Why is it that I have not seen not one of the commisioners nor one of their family memebers at Cogdell?? Could it be that they do not trust the quality of care at CMH? Would they truely want some stranger coming to the life saving effort of themselves or family member??
Mr. Limmer, Mr. House, Mr. Williams, Ms. Lindsey and Honorable Judge Waller, Why do you not use CMH???? Would you want the best for your family?? Then I totally believe that you should put yourself in the shoes of all of Snyder EMS and think twice before you make a grave mistake. I am an EMT, and I will not work in this town for anyone other than Perry. He knows what he is doing.
I see that all of you have had raises in the past 19 years to be able to pay your bills, do you not think that EMS personnel would like to pay theirs too?
If you truely think you are doing the citizens justice by going with CMH or Guardian, then you are sadly mistaken and really need to re-think this issue. You have had plenty of time, why are you all procrastnating??? This should have been done long ago, not waiting until the last minute. There is not a commisioner on the Court who is qualified to make this decision based on one of them going on a visit. Get on a uniform and put on a pair of gloves and get your tails out of those chairs and on the roads with the EMT's lets see what you are really made of!

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact is, we have grown to trust and rely on Snyder EMS for our medical needs for 19 years. Why would we want to chance someone else coming in that may or may not meet the standards that we have become accustomed to.

Thursday, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is this even an issue? Is it all based on money or are there other agendas the public is not aware of? It seems to me Perry has done a fine job of saving the county money over the past years. Ever thing goes up and EMS has done a good job of fighting this. Now that they are against the ropes, the commissioners plan to throw them out.If the commissioners had been doing their job over the past year, they would know that another service, including the hospital, can not run the ambulance service as efficiently as Perry has. Just to start up another service will cost more in the long run than Perry ask for initially. Come on guys, you had the best deal at the lowest price and you are driving it away. Let Perry do the job he has proven he can do!

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SNYDER EMS for providing the dedicated and reliable service that you do.

Thank you for having the patience to deal with the Scurry County Commissioners Court.

As a tax-paying resident of Scurry County, I am ashamed of and apologize for the manner that they conduct our business.

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same people who do not want to spend additional money to continue the excellent EMS service that serves all of Scurry County are the same people who are in a hurry to take on the financial responsibility of owning and operating the Snyder Country Club golf course. If Mr. Talbot told these same people to get an agreement done with Snyder EMS and to do it quickly, this matter would be history.

Evidently, Mr.Westmoreland does not have the same political influence that Mr.Talbot does.

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let the citizens of Scurry County and Snyder know, there is a process in place that allows for a recall election of elected officials. I would hate to see it come to this, but if the commissioners continue makeing the wrong dcisions, especially when it is life or death, then we as a city and county need to take a serious look at a recall. To think that they never bat an eye to a new maintainer but continue to hesiatate at quality medical care, you begin to wonder. This is not the only decision they are facing. If we get a county golf course, we will have to staff up to handle that. What's more important golf or life. Come on commissioners - right now your job is on the line.

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I come to this community as an outsider. I love the community and I love the way the EMS system is ran. I trust everyone down there. You know these commisioners have there head stuck somewhere it should not be. They do not know a thing about an EMS system and what is going on at the hospital. They only hear the good and close their ears and eyes to the bad. I am not saying they are bad people but they make the wrong decisions for you and I as citizens of Scurry County. I would really like to see someone start supporting EMS here. It is obvious that nobody wants it to change but the time has come and there are very few days left to make the commisioners realize that they are doing the wrong thing and need to just sign a check. Sure the roads need to be taken care of but who is going to take care of those who need medical help including the ones taking care of the roads. Come on Citizens of Scurry County let your voice be heard and start off doing it here and other places post banners post signs. Show you support unless of course you don't care about your health or your neighbors health.

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now is a very good time for the citizens of Scurry county to stand up for what is right! The commissioners have most likely already made up their minds on the EMS issue. Most of their comments appear to be based on personal feelings rather than hard facts. Or do they just ignore the obvious? Make an effort to attend the commissioners court monday at 10am. If they finally make their choice, let them face the voters that can keep them in office or remove them. It will be too easy for them if no one shows up. Call all your friend, family and co-workers and urge them to attend a meeting can affect every living soul in this county. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL EMS!

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This a quick note to the Scurry county commissioners court. Think about what you are about to do. Don't trust our emergency health care to the lowest bidder! You know the quality of care that Snyder EMS provides. Why take a chance with the care of your family with an unknown, unproven provider. Snyder EMS has proven it's self year after year. Perry made numerous suggestion on ways to lower the cost of his proposal at the last court meeting. It seemed as if no one bothered to listen. If you want a better deal, set down with Perry and work it out. You will get what you pay for!

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously the citizens of Scurry County (as a majority) want Snyer EMS to remain in service. Are the county commissioners not an elected enitity? Running under promises of voicing the collective voice of those they represent? If "most" of residents want Snyder EMS, why should there be any discussion about it. The EMS service has served this county (an others) extremely well. Does the commisioners even consider that the same people whos career fate is in thier hands is the same people who rush to save the lives of our neihbors, family, and friends? Often tossing time with thier own families and friends to do so?

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope the commissiner's are ready for monday. i don't think they realize how many people will actually show up and what kind of dirty looks and voiced opinions the will recieve if they vote ems be handed over.

Friday, April 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little boy ask Grandpa "Why do you think those cows produce so much milk and seem to be so content?"

Grandpa said "Because that dairy farmer knows what he is doing".

Little boy said "What do you mean?"

Grandpa said "Well, all those cows want is a decent barn to live in, plenty to eat, someone to clean up after them, and a trip to the Vet if they need it."

Little boy said "Well, what if that dairy farmer doesn't know what he is doing?"

Grandpa said "Well, that dairy farmer will eventually go broke, those cows will become very unhappy, and probably stampeed."

Little boy said "Yea, that dairy farmer will probably be standing there, scratching his a--, wondering why those cows are so unhappy, and probably won't have enough sense to get out of the way."

Message to the Commissioners Court and the rest of the elected officials of Scurry County.....YOU MIGHT HAVE A STAMPEED ON YOUR HANDS

Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little boy ask Grandpa "Why do you think those cows produce so much milk and seem to be so content?"

Grandpa said "Because that dairy farmer knows what he is doing".

Little boy said "What do you mean?"

Grandpa said "Well, all those cows want is a decent barn to live in, plenty to eat, someone to clean up after them, and a trip to the Vet if they need it."

Little boy said "Well, what if that dairy farmer doesn't know what he is doing?"

Grandpa said "Well, that dairy farmer will eventually go broke, those cows will become very unhappy, and probably stampeed."

Little boy said "Yea, that dairy farmer will probably be standing there, scratching his a--, wondering why those cows are so unhappy, and probably won't have enough sense to get out of the way."

Message to the Commissioners Court and the rest of the elected officials of Scurry County.....YOU MIGHT HAVE A STAMPEED ON YOUR HANDS

Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of this blog is to enable the citizens of Scurry County to conduct a rational discussion of issues of interest to them.

And to express where they stand on a particular topic.

Anonymous attacks on anyone’s personal life will be deleted.

Or the feature which allows for approval before the comments appear may have to be activated.

A forum for community discussion of issues can be a very positive thing.

However, it needs to be conducted in the right spirit.

Please post comments, but let's stick to the issues.


Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Personal attacks don't accomplish anything. I support Mr. Westmoreland retaining the EMS because it has been proven that he provides a high quality service.
Also, he lives here locally and will have the best interests of the community at heart.
Besides, all things being at least equal, why should our tax money go out of town.
P.S. The hospital has enough problems to deal with without also running the EMS. They have even said they don't want to run it.

Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people listen best when they are not attacked personally.
My purpose in writing is not to attack the commssioners but to let them know my heartfelt opinion that if something happens to those I love, then I want Perry Westmoreland's EMS taking care of them.

Please commissioners ignore the negative comments but listen to what the community wants.

I think you will.

Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone, I'm Perry Westmoreland, and my wife Karen is with me. This is our one and only post on this site, aside from the initial letter to the editor which Mr. Bullard ask me if he could use to launch this forum.

First of all, "Thank You" for your heart felt support for Snyder EMS. It is obvious that numerous of you who have posted comments are employees. It is obvious that numerous of you are not employees, but extremely concerned citizens.

While positive comments are helpful, comments that are detrimental to others (including Commissioners) are detrimental to this effort. I can't control what anyone posts to this site, but I would like to ask that all comments be positive.

Let me suggest something. Some months ago, a similar situation was underway in Sweetwater. I don't know the exact details, and it was the City and not the County making the decision. The newspaper article I have in my possession was short, and obviously could not give all the details.

But it appeared to me from that article, that enough interested citizens showed up at the public meeting, and voiced positive support for the Sweetwater Fire Department remaining the EMS provider, that any decision to go with an outside provider (who if memory serves me, happened to be Guardian) was thrown out of consideration.

I may stand corrected, but I believe the Fire Department was going to cost more than the private provider, and the citizens voiced the opinion that it was more important to them to keep the FD than to save money.

Their citizens voiced many of the same concerns you have regarding the level of care, knowing what they woulld get as far as patient care was involved, staying with the provider who had a proven track record, etc. They were passionate about wanting home town people, in their case "firemen" to answer their calls for help.

Let me suggest that all the letters to the editor, bloggs, and gossip in the world will not sway a decision like this.

I do believe that two things can potentially change the direction this seems to be headed.

First of all, a united, organized citizen effort at a public meeting, is the type of voice you as a community have. You elected the commissioners, and they work for you. But they don't need to be called names. Their position needs to be treated with respect, and we need to address them respectfully in that position.

Secondly, depending upon what alterations they have made to the contract, I'm confident I can come back with a subsidy figure more acceptable to them. The previous figure was calculated at current patient charges.

If they want us to increase those charges to where we are in line with most other services, it is a significant revenue adjustment. I realize the term significant is relative, but increasing approximately 15-20% of your client's bills by $300-400.00 does add up over the course of a year.

I don't want anyone to mis-understand the above, so let me expand a bit. We are LOCKED at what we can get from Medicare & Medicaid. Neither us or any other provider can change that. However, many private insurances will pay more. But to be able to charge more, we will have to have our contract adjusted. Hence, the reason we have not done it previously.

Our Medicare/Medicaid accounts for about 73-76% of total clients. Private pay (no insurance) ranges from 5-7%, sometimes as high at 10% of total clients, of which you collect on less than 20%.

So, that leaves approximately 20% (on the average) per month, who have private insurance, and all of them will not pay the increase either. Bottom line, we can increase our revenue some by charging more and that amount can come directly off the bottom line of my subsidy requirement.

It is unfortunate that time is now very short. Even so more unfortunate for our company, because we continue to be short handed on personnel because of the delay in getting this resolved.

But, it is my hope that Monday, the court will have a new contract for us to consider. I have been led to believe this is the plan of action by Commissioner Williams. Hopefully it will change significantly in several aspects, and a totally new proposal will be required.

I hope to be able to give them a new subsidy figure within a few days, after which they can make an informed decision.

Meanwhile, I hope the proposal process requires each provider to submit a description of their plans for operation, staffing levels and schedules, and a proposed salary range, so that the court can indeed compare apples to apples when they make their final decision.

This too, would help the citizens by informing them of the hospital's plans for operation, which many are extremely concerned about, simply because they know what to expect from us, and the hospital has no track record.

It is easy to attack people, and not knowing their true motives sometimes causes the gossip mill to run rampant. I want to thank Commissioner Terry Williams for visiting our facillity, so that he can see what our people do.

Unfortunately as fate would have it, he spent several hours with us and did not get to make a run with us. Wouldn't you know it, that about 2 hours after he left, we ran 3 or 4 calls back to back within a few hours!

The following day, we had 3 ambulances operating simultaneously, a frequent occurance, and it would have been great if he could have gone on one of those 5 hour trips to Lubbock, which we do 35-40 times per month.

What some of you have suggested in your comments is true, a Commissioner can't learn about EMS in a few hours any more than I can learn to build roads by watching one of his precinct hands run a maintainer. An outsider to EMS probably knows as much about a Life-Pak-10, as I know about a maintainer too.

But let's recognize and understand our differences in occupations, experiences, and training. Let us not jump to conclusions about motives.

Mr. Williams was on a fact finding mission, and he took the initiative to learn some aspects, and view the operation. The more anyone knows about anything, the more they can use to make good decisions. He should be commended for his desire to educate himself to the process.


Let me encourage you to do what you have the right to do. Attend the public meeting, prepared to speak. This is the ONLY way to know exactly what is said. It is the ONLY way to insure that you are heard. Let me also encourage you to prepare your remarks, be courteous and professional. Sign in when you get there so that you are allowed to speak.

Karen and I again thank you for being so supportive, and passionate about keeping Snyder EMS. We could have chosen to be in anoher line of work, but we feel passionate about EMS too, and have given the major portion of our lives to it.

Thanks.... Perry & Karen

Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great comment by Mr. Westmoreland. To me, it is one reason why people feel so passionate about him. He is presenting his case and at the same time being fair to the other side.

I think Mr. Williams is trying to gather information so that he can make an informed decision, one that he is comfortable with.

I would hope everyone can stay on good terms with each other as the decsion making process go.

This would be best for the community.

I think Mr. Westmoreland is correct that taking the time to attend a commissioners court meeting is one of the very best way to show your support for him.

He is also correct that no matter if one is for or against an officeholder, one should still show respect for the office.

In other words, respect for the freedoms we enjoy under our democratic form of government.

Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is great that Mr. Williams is taking time to attempt to ride with the EMS. It is just more information that he can use to make an informed decision.

Saturday, April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been comments from both sides that should not have been made. The commissioners are to be respected for the position they hold. At the same time they need to remember that they also should separate personal feelings from what is best for the people of Snyder and Scurry County. When this is accomplished, I feel confident they will make the correct decision. One should not sit back and gripe. Get involved in the decision making process. This is our home. We, as a community, make it what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.

Sunday, April 09, 2006  

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