Country Club Golf Course Revisited
Whether the county should take over the country club golf course has solicited strong interest.
There seems to be two concerns.
One is that the course will end up costing the taxpayers too much money in the long run.
The second is a lack of confidence in the county to properly run the course.
As to the first concern, one has to look at the big picture.
We must attract new people and business to Snyder as well as retain those who are here.
We are in competition with other communities.
Lifestyle is a big factor for those looking to relocate.
A golf course is a lifestyle asset to the community like our baseball fields, coliseum and college.
A town the size of Snyder is at a disadvantage in attracting people if we don’t have a golf course.
And golf provides entertainment for those who already live here.
The golf course as it now stands is meeting its operating expenses.
And we have the rare event that the equivalent of several hundred thousand dollars will be donated to the county to run the course.
This money is donated to the county both to keep the course going and because it can be used as a tax write off.
Some of this money can be used to upgrade the course.
Thus, the county can take control of the facility under the best of circumstances.
The second concern is how the county will manage the course.
The obvious solution would be to form a board to oversee its running.
A certain percentage of the board would be knowledgeable about the course.
Others would be more concerned with keeping the course solvent.
Details would have to be worked out but the county commissioners would not be involved in the day to day details of managing it.
But they would have oversight responsibilities and a budget would have to be submitted to them.
It seems to me that things can be worked out and that there is a golden opportunity to keep a valuable asset in the community at very little cost to the taxpayer.
There seems to be two concerns.
One is that the course will end up costing the taxpayers too much money in the long run.
The second is a lack of confidence in the county to properly run the course.
As to the first concern, one has to look at the big picture.
We must attract new people and business to Snyder as well as retain those who are here.
We are in competition with other communities.
Lifestyle is a big factor for those looking to relocate.
A golf course is a lifestyle asset to the community like our baseball fields, coliseum and college.
A town the size of Snyder is at a disadvantage in attracting people if we don’t have a golf course.
And golf provides entertainment for those who already live here.
The golf course as it now stands is meeting its operating expenses.
And we have the rare event that the equivalent of several hundred thousand dollars will be donated to the county to run the course.
This money is donated to the county both to keep the course going and because it can be used as a tax write off.
Some of this money can be used to upgrade the course.
Thus, the county can take control of the facility under the best of circumstances.
The second concern is how the county will manage the course.
The obvious solution would be to form a board to oversee its running.
A certain percentage of the board would be knowledgeable about the course.
Others would be more concerned with keeping the course solvent.
Details would have to be worked out but the county commissioners would not be involved in the day to day details of managing it.
But they would have oversight responsibilities and a budget would have to be submitted to them.
It seems to me that things can be worked out and that there is a golden opportunity to keep a valuable asset in the community at very little cost to the taxpayer.
The issue surrounding the Snyder Country Club golf course appears to
be a detailed one. I think the current board of managers have done an excellent job. Those guys and gals are so dedicated to keeping the Club going. I can only imagine the hours spent trying to make it work during some of the worst economic times our county has witnessed. But....Scurry County is getting back on her feet and things are getting better. Regardless of who does the management made possible by the generious gift of Patterson stock, the club would benefit by some creative marketing, aggressive
membership drives, new and exciting events, and plain ole friendly invites. I would hope that the county would entertain a management opportunity although they have taked the Coliseum back a few steps. I still cannot believe that the Coliseum does not actively recruit events and even discourages participation in that
area. Maybe the County should hire
an events coordinator who could actively "sell SNYDER". It appears to me that we have a awfully lot to offer--the right enthuiastic person could get the job done. We need people to get
people excited. Look at Western
Texas College and their recent growth--this just didn't happen.
Maybe they should be offered the
Country Club Golf Course--I bet they could take the ball and run with it.....just a thought!!!
How do we define what a "VALUABLE ASSET" is to the community? The answer probably depends on what your vested interests are.
The demographics of Scurry County certainly do not reflect an absolute need for two golf courses. Yes, we seem to forget that the College has a golf course that is open for public play. I am not aware of any difficulty in getting a tee time at either facility.
The value of the Country Club golf course is unquestionably enhanced by the "stock donation",however, has anyone questioned the legality of earmarking these funds for the sole purpose of operating the golf course? Over a period of time, what happens if these funds are used to pay for other projects or to subsudize existing valuable assets? Is it really possible for a VALUABLE ASSET to be a FINANCIAL LIABILITY?
Unfortunately, the "wants and wishes" of the FEW will probably be provided by the MANY.
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